Vinyl Fences in virginia

low maintenance vinyl fence options in virginia

Here at Atlantic Fence, we strive to make the best vinyl fence to meet your needs. We offer over 25 different styles of fencing including traditional picket, semi-privacy, full privacy, accent privacy, and rail fence. Manufacturing everything right here in our Ashland, Virginia facility allows us to make sure it’s right the first time.

why choose vinyl fencing?

Vinyl fencing requires much less maintenance than wood. You don’t have to paint or stain it to maintain a good appearance and it will not rot, warp, or splinter like a wood fence.

pre-assembled vinyl fence sections

All of our vinyl fence styles are made to order and our manufacturing lead time will apply to all orders. We only stock 6’ tall solid privacy fencing in 6’ and 8’ wide sections. We also have solid privacy gates in stock to match at all times. Unless requested, most of our vinyl fence styles are pre-assembled for your convenience and stacked on heavy-duty pallets. There’s no “some assembly required”, just pick the panel off the pallet and install, it’s that easy. (Some styles are not fully assembled due to height constraints and/or accent top configurations.)

square posts for all styles of vinyl fence

We offer 4” and 5” square posts to go with all of our fence styles. Typically, traditional picket fences up to 60” heights use 4” square and Semi-Privacy and Privacy styles use a 5” square post in all applications. However, we can accommodate either post size in virtually all of our fence styles. All of our posts are routed and each rail is notched so when the rail is inserted in the post it locks into place and prevents removal. We do not use a “bracket” fence system where there are exposed fasteners, but we do offer brackets if installing between existing posts, brick, or other applications.

color choices

Our entire line of vinyl fence is available in white and some of our fence styles are available in tan. A limited number of styles are available in Brownstone, Clay, Ivory, or Slate Gray. Please give us a call about color availability.

custom vinyl fence panel heights

Since we make everything here locally in our own shop, we can make any of our styles of vinyl fence in practically any height and width that you need. Typically, our traditional picket fence styles are available from 24” to 72” tall and our privacy / semi-privacy fence styles are available from 36” to 96” tall. However, if you need a custom panel height, we can make it.

equally spaced section widths

Most of our fence styles, depending on section height and application, can be made anywhere from 12” wide to 96” wide in 1” increments. While other “boxed” vinyl fence suppliers only offer widths in 6’ and/or 8’, we can make any width that you might need. This allows all of your panels to be equally spaced in the fence line instead of having to cut a panel down at the end of the fence line.

gates for your vinyl fence

All of our vinyl fence styles have available gates to exactly match the fence. We can make gates in widths ranging from 24” to 72” depending on fence height and application. We offer a wide variety of gate hardware to suit your needs.

fence accessories

We have a vast array of vinyl fence accessories from wall mount brackets to post caps in stock at all times.

warranty for your vinyl fence

Vinyl profiles are covered by manufacturers’ limited lifetime warranty. Always remember to check with your local county or township, homeowners’ associations, or other local building codes before beginning your project as their might be specific limitations on height, size, and color of any fence system and make sure that all underground lines are properly marked before attempting any fence installation.

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